New Athletic Advisory Council Adds to Student Leadership Excitement

On Friday, September 17th, approximately 200 students were accepted into the leadership positions that they applied to for this school year. 

For the 2021-2022 school year there are 11 leadership positions or councils, including the new Athletic Advisory Council, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Class Representatives, Chapel Council, Community Council, Global Ambassadors, Honor Council, Prayer Group Leaders, Service Council, and STEAM Council.

Leadership opportunities are important in middle school because they are a chance for students to explore themselves and figure out who they are as leaders. 

“I think in middle school, people are still figuring out what they want to do with their extracurricular time, and I think leadership is one way students can figure that out.” says Reverend McCormick, “When you are a leader you get the opportunity to look at yourself and say what am I good at, and what am I not.”

Being in a leadership position/group is a great way for students to try new things and experiment or continue doing something they enjoy.

“I love being a class representative because I know that I can, however directly or indirectly, make it a better year for my peers by planning events, organizing weekly meetings, etc.,” says Kirsten Liang, an 8th grader who has been a Class Representative for many years in a row. “I think of all other leadership opportunities available, Class Representative is what I can do the most in, as its requirements match up with my own abilities pretty well.”

Leadership can also be a way to help other students and brighten their days. “To me being a Prayer Group Leader is a way to lead people as they start off their day and week by focusing on God,” says Evie Baker, 7th grader and Prayer Group Leader. 

Furthermore, teachers are working towards planning a leadership retreat for all the students who are in leadership positions or groups whether it is on campus or some type of field trip.

The new addition to Leadership Opportunities is the Athletic Advisory Council, which consists of athletes who are already enrolled in a sport at Westminster or who plan to. The council meets every other week on Friday at 7:15 am. “They will be doing things like helping with events on campus,” says Layne McLaughlin the leader of the Athletic Advisory Council, “and really just advocating for athletes and what they need.”

The Athletic Advisory Council will also be picking a team of the week that they are going to support, an athlete of the week, or a faculty fan of the month, which is something that they started in Upper School as well. The Upper School has a similar council called the Student Athletic Advisory Committee.

Whether they are in Leadership groups or not, we hope that students continue to lead and grow throughout Middle School.